09 December 2007

Clearing My Clutter 5

WOW! Phew! Huff! Just finished a marathon task up in the loft. I need to just catch my breath. I am shattered and exhilarated at the same time??

I seem to tackle more clutter on Sunday evenings. I think this might be due to my weekly visit to Bridge End, on Mondays. Today's task was simply to put the Christmas decorations' boxes back up in the loft. However, I decided to have a little look around. Whoops! I spotted clutter. So hey ho and off we go. I ripped open bag after bag and box after box, finding things I forgot I still had and wondering why I did! Yes I do use a lot of exclamation marks!!!

The front hallway is now well and truly cluttered. There's a small path to the door in-case we get callers. I won't be embarrassed if they see all the mess, as I will be able to tell them all about 'Clear Your Clutter' by Karen Kingston.

I now have two clutter clearing Guru's. I felt unfaithful and guilty at first, but then I realised that the art of clearing clutter is the art of letting go. So, I let go of the guilt and carried on.

My second Guru is 'The FlyLady'. I bought her book 'Sink Reflections' by Marla Cilley. It came highly recommended on Amazon. I have to say that I have been a bit sceptical over this book, but continued to read through. I am two thirds through and getting it. This book is yelling at me to develop some routines, which is something I have avoided all my life.

I intend to finish the book and then read it again and start implementing the Baby Steps that FlyLady talks about. Mind you, I have started to wash up before going to bed at night, though I do leave the dishes to drain till the morning. I am happy with that. We have a new kitchen, so it is easier to keep on top, and I have a wonderful DH (Dear Husband for non-FlyBabies), who is retired and does quite a lot around the house. He just doesn't want to feel that he is doing everything! I lean towards obsessive compulsive and every now and then he lets me know I am ignoring him. I get quite engrossed in my new projects, to the detriment of all else. Clearing my clutter is freeing up time to enjoy together. Back to my sink: It is black and I have been instructed not to use bleach on it. So tonight I gave it a bit of a scrub with a plastic scourer after washing up. It looks better and as FlyLady says that disorganised people are perfectionists, so I decided not to perfect it tonight. This bears out when I realise that I often avoid doing a job if I feel I do not have time to do it properly, so it gets left. Or I start jobs and find I am overwhelmed and leave a mess behind. My DH says that I make more mess when I am tidying up than at any other time!

The benefit of using both methods of clearing my clutter is that; with 'Clearing Your Clutter' by Karen Kingston, I am mainly dealing with the clutter itself. And with 'Sink Reflections' by The FlyLady (Marla Cilley), I am dealing mainly with the housework. I am giving out these books as Christmas presents to friends and family, whom I feel would a) benefit and b) appreciate them.

My main difficulty at the moment is winding down in the evening, like now, at 10.30pm. My DH has since retired to bed, which is where I'm headed right Now! Goodnight....Zzz zzz

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