08 December 2007

Clearing My Clutter 4

Received a lovely comment to 'Clear My Clutter 3', from Karen Kingston herself! Have a look see.

I visited my brother recently and took some of my clutter to him, which he seemed to appreciate. It was a nice visit and we went out for lunch. However I noticed he needs some help with his clutter, not that he's got nearly as much as me! His clutter seems to be more connected with household chores. I have bought him a Christmas gift, which I am hoping he will be similarly appreciative as taking on my old stuff. I can not say what it is in case he reads this posting. I'll try to remember to post about this in the New Year.

I phone my cousin, who as you know I have already sent a copy of 'Clearing Your Clutter', which she is thrilled. She is still clearing and wading through her stuff. She sounds most excited and is passing on her enthusiasm to her friends. She has now cleared out her wardrobes; inside and on top! And has bags and bags of rubbish waiting to go to the recycle centres. She told me that her daughter is very happy at her mum's new found energy and uplifted mood. She has even passed on her late husbands clothing, which I think is great. What a woman!

As for myself: Well I have certainly shifted quite a bit, but there is plenty more to go yet. I've been to 'The Bridge End Centre' every Monday evening to drop off a car load. I have also given up the obvious sugars in my daily food intake. I will indulge myself over Christmas, but the urge to scoff sweeties is getting weaker and weaker by the day. The office space behind me is piled high, but that will be sorted tomorrow, when I put the Christmas decorations' boxes up in the loft, (minus the old dec's, which have already gone). I am reclaiming the house in time for guests on Friday and then keeping it that way and more...

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