01 November 2007

Small Beginnings

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Dorothy. Born in Liverpool and growing up in Runcorn, one of the 1960’s overspill towns. Dorothy left school with 7 CSE’s. After leaving school she worked in light engineering for over 13 years, progressing from an assembly operative, through supervisory and on to the drawing office, where she worked on computer aided design, (CAD), and gained a certificate in general engineering.

However, Dorothy found that her career in the engineering industry became repetitive and lacked fulfillment. She decided to change direction to work with the public sector. When the opportunity arose to work for Social Services Dorothy was keen to use her caring skills, so worked as a Homecare Assistant for 7 years. She enjoyed the contact with people and liked to think she had made a difference in their lives.

Since Dorothy can remember she has suffered bouts of fatigue, repeatedly visiting Doctors. It was time to do something about this. After reading a book about natural ways to more energy, Dorothy embarked on a new regime. She spent 18 months visiting a consultant of Natural Medicine and changed her diet. Loosing nearly 2 stone in weight was just a bonus compared to her new lease of life.

Dorothy gained a Diploma in Holistic Therapies with The Federation of Holistic Therapists. This included Aromatherapy, Traditional Massage & Reflexology. Also Diet & Nutrition, Counseling, First Aid and Health & Safety. She completed her Reiki 1st & 2nd Degree’s and qualified in Malish Indian Head Massage.

Natural Medicine is very good for healing the body. One area of interest is in Natural Nutrition for which Dorothy studied with The College of Natural Nutrition at Salford University, to further her knowledge and ability to assist people. She is a firm believer that the body is designed to repair itself, given the right ingredients and environment.

While running her own business in Complementary Medicine, Dorothy spotted a job in a local newspaper, which had the components of all her life’s experiences including hobbies and interests. She had to apply. Not one to refuse going through open doors, Dorothy headed straight for Psychiatry and is now working with people who suffer severe and enduring mental health illnesses.

She has since gained her Teaching Certificate and teaches IT Skills from complete novices to students moving on to college, voluntary work and paid employment.

Dorothy has a special interest in Dyslexia and believes herself to be dyslexic, although she has not been assessed as yet. May-be some encouragement from fellow bloggers will prompt her to go for assessment.

This year Dorothy started to research her family ancestry and this is going strong.

Here’s to Blogging!

1 comment:

girlonarock said...

thanks for leaving your post. I have still a lot to read on your blog (i'm up early getting ready for work!) its funny as someone only mentioned last week that there is possible connections with R arthritis and food,(the poison beaing wheat)? so i've just started to look into it!
how are you getting on with the circle dancing? believe it or not, i first started doing circle dancing in cheshire over 20 years ago! it was in chester, makes me wonder if its the same 2 women teaching your group!