17 November 2007

Clearing My Clutter

I have just discovered this brilliant little book: 'Clear Your Clutter' by Karen Kingston and I fully recommend it to anyone who finds themselves running round in circles and never quite getting all that they want out of life. I find it difficult to completely relax in my wakeful hours, so I am always very busy or asleep. This is part due to my clutter, and by this I mean physically - around my home, garden and garage; in my unattended commitments to family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and other associates; unfinished projects, courses and professional business. Then there are all the new ideas that pour into my head, which I am unable to act upon because of my clutter. In the past I have been a starter and not a completer. Well! Now I am a completer thanks to 'Clear Your Clutter'. I have only had the book a week and have offloaded one car-full of clutter and have the car full again; waiting to go to the local charity shop.

I am also clearing clutter, which has been lying around my workplace for years, and sapping all my creative energy. I bought the book 'Clear Your Desk' by Declan Treacy, which is recommended by Karen Kingston in her book. This too is a brilliant read and has enabled me to make a start on sorting my desk and office space.

If any of you have read 'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield, then you will know what I mean about coincidences, when I tell you that while clearing my clutter of books I came across my April 2007 issue of 'Natural Health' magazine. On the front cover it advertises one of it's articles on Feng Shui Secrets, so I read it and found it had just the sort of basic ideas I need right now to spur me on further.

I am working towards my job promotion at present and using my new 'Clear My Clutter' skills.

I sent a copy of 'Clear Your Clutter' to my cousin, whom I have recently visited and is an even worse hoarder than me. She phoned me up and excitedly told me how she had cleared two corners of her lounge and found a new owner for an old TV & stand she kept in her bedroom.

I get most of my books from http://www.amazon.co.uk/

I better get back to clearing my clutter. Instead of doing just fun stuff; I can do fun and useful stuff!

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