04 July 2009

Clearing My Clutter 18

Today was clearing the side of the shed day. Well; most of it anyway. I cleared a load of rubbish, which went to the tip with the help of my DH (Dear Husband). Just some gravel stones to clear, which can easily wait for another day. The plan is to have a good space to store my wheel barrow, which has been inaccessible on the other side of the shed, where I had made an area for composting. The trees that screen off this area have grown so big, that it is now inconvenient to access. I like the trees so the area will be out of bounds, and I plan to keep it clear of rubbish, so that come the day when the trees have had their time I will be able to reclaim the space.

I have also cut out some of my neighbours Ivy, which was growing through and over the fence and blocking my exit route through the back garden gate and down the passageway. This will help in Feng Shui terms; with the flow of chi and releasing of waist products from my life.

It feels really good each time I clear some clutter. I feel refreshed and energised to do some more. The small sense of achievement helps me to continue, even though I rest in between activities.

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