17 July 2008

Crocheted Blanket 3

With my next blanket I want to give the impression of Pansies. The main colours I have chosen are Black for the background and the black of the Pansy. Yellow for the central area; Red for the coloured part and green to represent leaves. These have all come from the oddments bins.

First I designed my pattern using AutoShapes in Word 2003. Once I had copied, pasted, rotated and flipped my shapes to achieve the effect of a crocheted square, I used another AutoShape as a border & background and grouped them together. I was then ready to play about with the colouring of the shapes to produce the impression of a pansy.

Although it is not a clear image of a Pansy, if you don't look too closely it is kinda like one.

I enjoyed routing about in the wool bins, even tidying up some of the unravelled balls.

I made one complete square so I could test my pattern. Then I decided to make all the yellow centres, and instead of cutting the thread, I kept them together. This saved time in constantly picking up the scissors and meant I did not loose any.

They made a pleasant daisy like chain, which has given me some ideas for future projects.

I am still at the stage of making the centres and will keep you posted.

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